T.B.O. Ltd specializes in the supply of a series of building materials and home decoration products such as bamboo flooring, bamboo furniture, and horse stable boards. We are proud to have built up an in-depth knowledge of the world of flooring and bamboo materials for various types of industries.

Thanks to our rich experience in the world of sourcing and manufacturing, we are able to choose the ideal suppliers for each type of product, and monitor quality from A to Z: from the preparation of raw materials till finishing and packing.

In this way, we can offer our customers high-quality products at the most competitive prices.

Our mission is to contribute to a cleaner, greener world by using the ultimate, sustainable resources for the production of our products.

Yours sincerely,

The T.B.O. Ltd. team


T.B.O. OOD | Pozitano Street 14, floor 2 | 1000 Sofia | Bulgaria | Email: info@tboltd.com | Web: www.tboltd.com | Tel +359 89 5771807